Monday, May 30, 2011


            Milk in its natural form has always been essential to eating healthy. After pasteurization, milk became a commodity. Raw milk from grass-fed cows is a complete and a balanced drink. It has been proven to reverse disease and improve health. Raw milk contains several benefits for our body, it lowers the risks of having; osteoporosis, kidney stones, cancer, and recurrence of middle-ear infections. Once the milk has been pasteurized, the real meaning of milk changes. Pasteurized milk causes most of the diseases that are very common now days. In my research project I will be focusing on raw milk, to why it should be made legal, and on how it’s the best thing for our body system, also not forgetting the minor negative effects that it may have on the human body.
Firstly, the benefits of raw milk includes its traces in the amounts of naturally occurring hormones and growth factors- key bio-active ingredients that make it such a valuable, healing food. “The ideal raw milk is taken straight from animals fed only fresh, organic, green grass, rapidly cooled to somewhere around 36-38 degrees F., and bottled.” (White Tiger Production) “Now days cows are imprisoned indoor for their entire lives; we give them inappropriate feed such as soy, bakery waste, citrus peel cake and the swill from ethanol production, foods that cows are not designed to eat.” (The Weston A. Price Foundation).  The confinement environment and the inappropriate feed make these cows sick, so they need antibiotics. We breed them to provide us with huge amounts of milk, and give them hormones to increase milk production as well. These cows produce large quantities of watery milk with only half the amount of fat compared to milk produced by old-fashioned cows eating green grass.
Secondly, most milk produced today undergoes numerous processing before it reaches the consumer. Raw milk contains naturally produced antimicrobial; beneficial fatty acid known as CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid). Pasteurizing raw milk destroys certain disease-carrying germs and while it prevents the milk from souring. Pasteurization does more than just killing germs; it also destroys some nutritious contents. “Probably pasteurization’s worst effect is that it makes indigestible the major part of the calcium contained in raw milk”. (Armchair Science is a British Medical Journal). This can then lead to rickets, having bad teeth and nervous troubles.  Sufficient calcium content is vital to children health; the loss of phosphorus also associated with calcium, bone and brain formation can suffer serious with setbacks. Pasteurization also destroys 20% of the iodine present in raw milk, causes constipation and generally takes from the milk its most vital qualities.
           Thirdly, pasteurization started from a French chemist named Louis Pasteur who suddenly became famous because he saved wine and beer industries from devastation. Pasteur invented a heat process that saved the wine from complete financial failure. By heat processing, he stopped the fermentation and growth of molds in wine. Later, the dairy companies found that they could do the same thing with milk that became sour, thus increasing their profits by making it possible for them to sell a product that would become less desirable. By 1935, George Pushing from Minnesota provoked Louis ideas to continue. He said that if we take the milk from farmers can’t sell themselves, put it under processing and sell it will be more profitable. George himself died by drinking his pasteurized milk, he contracted rheumatoid arthritis, a degenerative disease that manifested itself in his spine.
Pasteurization refers to the process of heating milk to at least 130 degrees F, for at least 45 seconds or heating milk to 160 degrees F requires minimum of 15 seconds. Pasteurization destroys enzymes, diminishes vitamin content, denatures fragile milk proteins, destroys vitamins C, B12 and B6, kills beneficial bacteria, promotes pathogens and is associated with allergies, increased tooth decay, colic in infants, growth problems in children, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease and cancer. Calves fed pasteurized milk do poorly and many die before maturity. Raw milk sours naturally but pasteurized milk gets rotten.
            Fourthly, various individuals are fighting with the government to make raw milk legal, because of its proved importance. This war has been going on for many years. Milk War, a documentary about an organic dairy farmer Michael Schmidt, screened at The Toronto Underground Cinema to raise awareness about the status of raw milk in Canada. The film serves as a thorough introduction to the topic of raw milk and the Schmidt's battle with Canadian authorities although it's clearly one-sided in it views. People are still willing to trade health risks for a pure, delicious taste of milk. In very rare cases people died or have gotten severely ill from raw milk, resulting in kidney failure, heart attacks and paralysis. Raw milk defenders disregard the percentage of all dairy related illness outbreaks between 2000 and 2007 and say: “The FDA and USDA are ready to blame anything on raw milk.” (Burton).
Some  rare cases in which people have end up losing their loved ones due to the consumption of raw milk, include the three woman’s who have preferred raw milk over pasteurized milk and ended up with great loss.  Mary McGonigle-Martin, from California, is a kind of mom who does her homework. Searching for a healthier way to provide dairy for her 7-year-old son, she considered raw milk. Kalee Prue is a health-conscious, single mom from Connecticut, who enjoyed being active.  Kalee had trouble digesting lactose and read that drinking raw milk would help her digest dairy better. A few days after finishing the milk, Kalee began to get sick. Julie Riggs and her family live in a small town in Missouri. Her husband and daughter couldn’t tolerate cow’s milk, so the family decided to try raw goat’s milk from a local farmer. In all of the videos, the 3 woman’s in conclusion say that raw milk has many benefits for your body but its very risky because if the milk contains pathogen it can lead to you to sickening conditions. Though the possibility of the pathogen is 50-50 but once it goes down your body it corrupts your body system. Women have stated that it’s not worth putting the rest of your life into risk, the benefits are pleasing but the risks are much dangerous than you can imagine. All the people that were affected by raw milk did recover but were once at very critical stage, and don’t believe that it’s worth risking your life because you never know if you end up dying or recovering. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)  
 The debate over whether raw milk could be a health benefit or health hazard is one that has been in progress for years now. Unfortunately, the results haven’t shown any positives yet. Healthy food advocates often speak of it as a miracle cure for all sorts of chronic ailments. People on both sides seem convinced themselves of what they think is better for them. The site of raw milk that will strike you is its rich, mouthwatering creamy appearance. Raw milk is gaining its popularity. “The ranks are growing, as are the number of arms with permits to sell it to them: 29 in New York, and 100 in Pennsylvania.” (Burton). With many hopes, and the proven benefits of raw milk, it can be assumed that the legalization of it isn’t far away.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography
Shaista Rashid

Why isn’t raw milk legal anymore? I will be talking about the benefits of raw milk. How it’s good for us and will keep us from so many health problems.

(1) CBS Minnesota News. “3 Senators Propose Legalizing Sale of Raw Milk”. January 28, 2011. Web.

I am going to use this website to help support my topic because this website/ video shows how people want to drink raw milk because its better for our health. It kills germs that are harmful for our body and its better for our body system then pasteurized milk.

(2) Burton, Susan. “Some Like it Raw”. April 18, 2010. Web.

This article will be used to show the passion that people still want raw milk even though some people don’t want it but a lot of people out New York want raw milk to be legalized so it is easier for them to get it.

(3) FDA Food and Drug Administration. “The Dangers of Raw Milk: Unpasteurized Milk Can Pose a Serious Health Risk”. January 27, 2011. Web. <>

This article compares pasteurized milk and raw milk so by using this website I will show the positive side of raw milk.

(4) Vonderplanitz, Aajonus.  “What Started Pasteurization?”. Web.

This document talks about how pasteurization started, to give it a little of background information and about the negatives of it.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

List of things we can use to write our final paper

1. Young kids eating junk food (chips, chocolate, candies)
2. Energy drinks
3. Hospital food
4. Fruits that are available while its not even the season of it
5. Are vegetables really the healthiest thing to eat all the times
6. Frozen food
7. Soft drinks
8. Nutrition bars
9. Can Foods
10.  Raw Milk

Opinions about Banning Soda Purchases with Food Stamps

I think that the law being passed for limiting the things people on food stamps buy is not fair and nor is it going to make more people healthier because eating all of those greens and other products they are limited to buy, isn't going to make them healthy. Everyone has the right to pick what they want to buy to eat, just because they can't afford much of the things and the government is helping them out by giving them money doesn't mean now you have to limit them, then what's the point of the money they are given if they still can't fulfill their desires. they should be equally treated. limiting the poor ones food isn't going to make them healthy, then what about the people who don't live on food stamps? what about their health? The rich ones are still going to be enjoying their life and not be healthy in anyway so why put down the poor ones into more stress while they are already living a hard life?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Fast Food Nation and Super Size Me

Fast Food Nation and Super Size Me

            The movie Super Size Me is a very fascinating, and an eye opener movie. It shows how fast food affects our body. The food may taste good but what matter more the taste of the food or how it’s harming us from the inside? The movie shows how adults and kids are being fooled by the advertised toys given in “Happy Meal”, it provokes them to buy the meal just because they want the toy and eventually they end up eating the meal too. In the movie it clearly states that 60% of the population is suffering from obesity, 1/3 of children will grow to have diabetes. These things are serious because now days a lot of the population survives on fast food not realizing what it actually means and even if people are aware of it they still don’t care. The owner or companies don’t care about your health for them its all about money/business. In the book Fast Food Nation in chapter 2 it talk about how kids use nagging to force their parents to get them what they want from outside. They have so many methods of nagging eventually the parents fall for one or two and the kids get what they want. Kids also play a major role in pushing the fast food business to expand. In book it also shows the cruel and dirty side of McDonald's. They advertise purposely in the places where kids will see and crave for them. They advertise on cartoon channels, playgrounds, and restaurants. It’s all over that kids can’t help their craving. Its disgusting how for money how low can these people go. What’s the point of you killing the same people you’re advertising for? If these people end up chronic conditions and they can’t eat fast food anymore how is it helping you. Eventually they will lose business one day!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Peer Review Worksheet

Writer’s Name: Shaista Rashid
Paper Title: No Title
Date: 04-05-11
Editor’s Name: Shaista Rashid

Peer Review Worksheet

Introduction: How does the first paragraph introduce both the paper’s topic and the writer’s approach or general conclusion? Is the first sentence attention-getting and relevant to the topic?
    The introduction is pretty good. Its very clear and the thesis statement is good too, it explains what I am going to talk about. Yes the first sentence is relevant to the topic. It gives a little background information about the topic.

What can you identify as a thesis statement? (Re-write it below) Suggest, if possible, a way to improve the introduction or thesis statement.

Structure: Can you identify the organization of the paper from the main idea of each paragraph? What are the main concepts explored in the paper? Does each paragraph make a relevant point that is distinct from what has already been covered? What are the main conclusions?
    Each paragraph is very organized, filled with details about each ingredients background information. the main conclusion of each paragraph is to tell everyone about the negatives of the type of food we eat now a days without caring.

Clarity/Style: Did you find distracting grammar, punctuation, spelling, or word usage problems? Identify any patterns or themes you detect. Is the tone of the essay formal? If you find awkward sentences, try to explain why they don’t make sense to you.
    The clarity and style is fine there's no grammar problem, punctuation, and spelling.

Resources: Does the author clearly identify his/her sources? Is proper in-text and reference format used?
    No, there's no sources listed.

What is/are the paper’s greatest strength(s)? Explain.
    It's filled with details about the ingredients used in kheer. It fully compares organic food and non organic. Whats inside milk, sugar, and rice that harms our body. Difference between the food now and food in 1911.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

List of Sources for the paper

- Fast Food Nation - the chapter in which they talk about how the cows are raised and the difference in their fresh milk and the milk from the bottles we get from a regular store.
- The movie Food INC. - compare the cows shown in the movie to the way the cows were raised before.
-  Articles that can tell how rice has changed throughout years.
- Look at the back of a almonds or pistachio packet to see how they actually grown to be brought to us.
- Google up real information to how sugar has changed. How was it like in the late centuries and how is it now. Was it even available before or was there a substitute instead of it?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Movie Food Inc.

We watched a movie in class which is Food Inc. It's a great movie to let everyone know about the type of food they actually are eating, whether its healthy or not. In the movie we were basically shown that farmers aren't giving us exactly healthy food. They have techniques that they are following so they can earn much more than they usually do. The cows don't eat grass but they eat corn because corn is cheap they have such a mass production of them that its being used in everything. Corn is also a major thing because its in everything we eat or drink, it just has a weird name rather than corn. Farmers now a days are given no respect to do or say what they wish or enjoyed doing at a point in their life. Now they are working basically as machines and doing exactly what the big companies want them do. Farmers have no word to this because if they dare to say anything they are put down. Farmers have taken out so many loans that they can't afford to put anything in jeopardy. No farmers actually wanted to show what it exactly goes on in their farms. The first fast food was McDonald's and its was extremely successful. They had trained workers who did everything int he same way everyday. Companies have changed the way chickens are grown, they have made the chickens them bigger than they are so they can produce a lot of white meat. The chickens weigh so much to a point that they can even walk anymore, they take a few steps "blop" they are down. The sad part of the movie was Barbara's son Kevin died. He was so young, he had been contaminated by E.Coli due to the unhealthy farming system. The E.Coli came from the plants/grass that's being feed to the cows; the cows are later being used in hamburgers which is being to fed to people all over the country. The part which i was found was really amazing was about the family who ate from burger king everyday because they didn't have time to cook and kind of couldn't afford to buy things to cook at home. They thought it was better to buy fast food everyday and feed their 2 kids rather than going to the supermarket and buying food that somewhat may be organic. The nice part was Joseph who is a 65 year old man looks like hes probably in his early 40's still farms the organic way to provide his customers with real stuff. He believes that everything and everyone has the right to deserve respect which absolutely true. He still has grass for his cows to eat from, fresh air to breath, and his chickens are still slaughtered in the fresh air which is supposedly "bad". Overall I think the movie is great because it teaches you a lot about the way farmers are being treated and the wrong stuff you being feed by buying fast food. Think smart, make a choice and eat healthy.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Heritage food- Kheer (rice pudding)

 Shaista Rashid
Kheer is a traditional dish eaten by many Asian countries like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh also it’s eaten by many western countries however it’s just known as rice pudding. Kheer is still cooked the same way my ancestors cooked it. The differences come in when you observe the ingredients of Kheer. Kheer is made from milk, rice, sugar and for dressing/seasoning you may put almonds, pistachio, cinnamon, etc. All the ingredients used are identical but once you split them down and come across everything they are much more different then they appear. I will be comparing and contrasting the ingredients used in Kheer.
            Kheer is the Indian name for sweet milk pudding usually made with rice, although it can also be made with fine noodles. Kheer is typically made on Muslim holidays. It was probably originated in Persia where a similar dessert is known as sheer birinj (rice pudding). Kheer is originally the food of angels, first made in heaven when the Prophet Muhammad ascended to the 7th floor of heaven to meet God and he was served this dish.
            Kheer is prepared from very basic ingredients which are milk, rice, and sugar. So I will be talking about how raw milk is different from pasteurized milk, organic rice from pest controlled, refined sugar and unrefined sugar. Raw milk from grass-fed cows is a complete and balanced food. You can live on it and you won’t need anything else for the rest of your life. It has trace amounts of naturally occurring hormones and growth factors- key bio-active ingredients that make it such a valuable, healing food. The ideal raw milk is taken straight from animals fed only fresh, organic, green grass, rapidly cooled to somewhere around 36-38 degrees F., and bottled. No processing, just filtration, and cooling. Most milk produced today undergoes some form of processing before it reaches the customer. Raw milk contains naturally produced antimicrobial; another is the production of a beneficial fatty acid known as CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid). Pasteurizing raw milk destroys certain disease-carrying germs and the prevention of souring milk. Pasteurization does more than killing off germs; it also destroys some nutritious constituents. Probably pasteurization’s worst offense is that it makes insoluble the major part of the calcium contained in raw milk. This frequently leads to rickets, bad teeth, and nervous troubles, for sufficient calcium content is vital to children; and with the loss of phosphorus also associated with calcium, bone and brain formation suffer serious setbacks. Pasteurization also destroys 20 percent of the iodine present in raw milk, causes constipation and generally takes from the milk its most vital qualities.
            Unrefined raw sugar is produced from the juice from the sugar cane plant and has trace minerals and nutrients present. Unrefined raw sugar is the best choice; it contains minerals and nutrients that are stripped from refined white sugar and regular brown sugar. Raw sugar contains roughly eleven calories per teaspoon and has the same vitamin and mineral consistency that is found in the juice from the sugarcane plant. These minerals include Phosphorus, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, and Potassium. Raw sugar, like refined sugar, also undergoes processing. Raw sugar comes from the same sugar cane or sugar beet. It is then washed, boiled, filtered and pressed. The sweet juice is mixed with lime to achieve the proper pH balance and to clear any impurities. It is then reduced by evaporation and dried to produce granules. The brown color of the raw sugar is from the presence of molasses. In addition, when sugar is refined and processed there are many harmful ingredients that are added to the sugar as a result. Unrefined raw sugar does not have these harmful chemicals. Originally, the sugar is natural and comes straight from sugar canes or sugar beets. Refined sugar, however, is processed by extracting the sucrose from the plant and then it undergoes a process that cleans impurities from the sugar such as mold, soil, bacteria, stalk fibers and wax. Bleaching agents such as lime and carbon dioxide or phosphoric acid and calcium hydroxide are added to obtain the familiar bright, white color. It is then refined once again by filtering it in a liquid state through a beef bone char. Finally, the sugar becomes what is commonly known as "table sugar." Through the refining process, the look and taste of the natural sugar has changed dramatically.
            As a nutrition source, rice is abundant in carbohydrates while being low in nitrogenous matter and fat. The idea of organic food production maintains certain principles: biodiversity, ecological balance, sustainability, natural plant fertilization, natural pest management, and soil integrity. Organic systems avoid the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and growth regulators. Instead they rely on crop rotations, crop residues, animal manures, legumes, green manures, off-farm wastes, mechanical cultivation, mineral-bearing rocks, and biological pest control to maintain soil health, supply plant nutrients, and minimize insects, weeds, and other pests. The disadvantage of unconventional rice is it sells at higher prices, organic rice also costs more to produce. The negative effects of pesticides on health include neurotoxicity, disruption of the endocrine system, carcinogenicity and immune system suppression. Organic farming practices are designed to benefit the environment by reducing pollution and conserving water and soil. Limiting the pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals that get into the water and soil is certainly a good thing for protection the delicate balance of nature.
            If you ever want to try making Kheer the way it’s made traditionally, I will provide you with the recipe. First boil the rice. In a separate pan put milk to be boiled on medium heat. Let the milk thicken up, also you may put a little piece of cinnamon stick, and cardamom (they will boost the essence of Kheer). Afterward put the boiled rice into the boiling milk and keep stirring. Let the milk and rice combine. When you see that the rice is completely mixed into the milk then you may add sugar. The amount of sugar depends on how much sugar you prefer to eat. When all of the ingredients are completely mixed into one another you may put the Kheer into a clean bowl. For seasoning put crushed almonds, and pistachio. Put the bowl in the refrigerator so it can cool down, you can also eat it when it’s warm.
            Pakistan is throughout known for its spices. Pakistani’s eat a variety of spices also their food is incredibly spicy. Most of their dishes contain onion, garlic, ginger, cumin seed, and many more. Pakistan also has a variety of breads like roti, naan, chapatti, and parathas. We have many appetizing dishes that attract people with its great aroma. If you haven’t tasted Pakistani food you’re definitely missing out a lot. You should go to a  famous Pakistani restaurant and try out their dishes and the sweets.